Thu 02 Jan
((.. N€₩ ..)))) S_L_U_T_T_¥ ** ALL- NATURAL ** B_€_A_U_T_¥ ** $60 ** ((.. SPECIALS ..)) - 23
(Los Angeles, Torrance Redondo Lax Culver City)
(♥) TOO HoTTO HaN DLe**ReDhEaD** ➜* ((* $40 $pEcIaL *)) *.. - 29
(Atlanta, Decatur, Memorial dr. off 285)
***TrEaT YoUrSeLf To SoMeThInG sWeEt*** -♥Outcall-Specials♥ 7709068774 - 22
(Otp East, Conyers,snellvile,Covington,loganville)
THICK ((N)) the H!PS ...... soft 2 the TOUCH ..... BR@INS ((N)) Body & BOOT(I )Absolutely AMAZING !! - 20
Thick, Curvy Redbone waiting on your call 313 523-3052 ask for sweets - 24
(Otp South, , CAMP CREEK AND 285 south in/outcalls)
Thursday Daytime Private Freaky Party w/ hot chicks *** ** 1pm to 8pm *** $40 only ** - 28
(Atlanta, Atlanta/Lakewood-Ft Mcpherson Station)
💥💋This Thursday only TwIcE as Nice Specials Qv 80💥💋 - 19
(Atlanta, Cobb Pkwy Incalls only, Otp North)
THICK BUT PETITE ♡♡♡♡♡ $now $tar ♥♥♥♥♥ BEST SKILLS AROUND !!!! What are you waiting on - 21
(Otp North, Atlanta north chamblee)
**ThiCk N' PRetty ___ _38DDD____ TaTTooEd EbOnY DiVA __I ♥ ToYs & FeTiSh PLaY_4 BoOtY n BoOb LoVeRs - 31
(285e/85N ______ _Sweet Lipsss & Big Tits, Atlanta, City of Atlanta)
@@@ The Sweet and lovely MISS LAURIE; as beautiful as the Texas sunshine! (470) 213-3068 @@@ - 48
(Otp North, Gainesville, GA)
💄💋💋♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] GodDeSs [☆] ♛♛ $$60$$ SpEcIaLs NoW!💄💋💋 - 20
(Atlanta, MaRIeTtA/ CumBeRLaND MaLL AreA *CaLL Me*)
L°_E _°T°_° S _ ♔ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y° 100 SPECIAL** BiG BooTY CuBaN CuTiE *** - 18
(Los Angeles, lax____incall_____outcall_______24hrs!!!)
Taylor Is In Town 😍❤ Petite Blonde 💅💋 OUTCALLS ONLY👅💄 - 18
(Atlanta, Kennesaw/Woodstock/Acworth Outcall, Otp North)
______° {Th MOST} {{SW TST}} {TMPTATiONS EVER} °oo __ {{Too}} _{{Much}} _ {{Booty}} - 20
(Atlanta, N Druid Hills)
Thck, White, Cute & FRe@@kEY!! Wet- Sloppy- Slipp'rey Dome !!! SPITTERZ 'R QUITTERZ!! - 24
(marietta/ Perimeter)
***The best in Atlanta ***Ill make you feel sooo good ;) - 21
(Otp North, Jimmy carter peachtree ind blvd norcross)
Kissing - Kissing - Kissing - Kissing - Kissing - Kissing - Kissing - Kissing - Kissing - 46
(Mid-Wilshire, Mid Wilshire)
(( TaStY (( . ) ( . )) TuEsDaY is ErOtIcLy DeLIOuS DoNt BeLieVe mE CoMe & C Me PaPi )) =SPECIALS= - 27
(Atlanta, >> BUCKHEAD CoCKTaiL Hr SPeCiaLS T)
(( T.G.I.F. I SCReaM U SCReaM we ALL SCReaM iTs FRiDaY !! Mui CaLieNTe FRiDaY ONLY SPeCiaLS PaPi )) - 26
(Atlanta, (( private incall Local buckhead )))
~~~ T h e ~~~ P a r t y ~~~ G i r l s ~~~ a r e ~~~ h e r e ~~~ to ~~~ ~~~ Your ~~~ - 21
(Atlanta/North Druid Hills)
I'M BACK!!! SPeCIaLS!!!! *aDoRaBLe -:¦:- aMaZiNG -:¦:- aDDiCTiVe* - 22
(Covina/West Covina incalls)
💜I'm the real deal 💜 💜I'm an Amazing Pleasurable Experience💜 - 23
(Culver City Marina del Rey Hollywood, Los Angeles, Westside)
HOT HOT sexy sexy latina &asian; 2 girls special ,all are very young get free special table shower -
(Los Angeles)
*~*EVERYTHING You MIsS At HoMe *~*__EnDeArInG & COuRtEsY__* **BloNDE*~* TIny_*~* FRaMe_*~* ELitE*~* - 21
Supa Thick TAGG Team Duo:: A:1 Service 2/100or Available NOW in///out - 26
(Otp East, 285/Memorial Dr. Covingtion Hwy in/out)
SuGaR * SwEeT * SeXy * SeNsUaL * SuPeR *sAtIsFyInG * SuStAiNiNg * GiRl - 21
(¯`´¯) -:¦:- HoT -:¦:- WeT -:¦:- NaUgHtY -:¦:- MiLk=cHoCoLaTe -:¦:- 4 -:¦:- YoU (¯`´¯)
(YouR PLaCe====>>>>> oR MiNe)
GRAND OPENING!!!! Relaxing Body Rubs and Massage!! Beautiful Latinas and Asians - 24
(North Hollywood)
** So SeXy!! **♥` iNcAlL SpECiAlS !!! ♥ 100% real & ready now ♥ - 21
(Atlanta, INcAlL / Powers ferry / 285)
FILM STAR!!! BBW Supathyckness DDD's in Town Tomorrow For One Day Only FULLY FIGURED!!!! - 25
(Los Angeles, LAX, Culver City, Hollywood)
AfTeRnOoN, DiVa, InCaLl, N, OuTcAlL, Qk45, 60, Hh65, 85, Hr95, 120, MeDiO, DiA, SpEcIaL, Tu, A Mi, O, Yo A Ti - 25
(San Fernando Valley)
(@)(@)FeElInG NaUgHtY?!? In NeEd oF SoMe DeEPlY DeSiReD AtTeNtIoN?(@)(@) BBW Bambii your girl - 27
(Los Angeles, Torrance Hermosa Manhattan Pedro Redondo, Westside)
Sexy,Fun,&Gorge; ous..Mexican/Br azilian ready all day+night!!!! - 23
(Otp North, Smyrna,Marietta,Kennesaw)
~~~ 2 GIRL SHOW ~~~ 2 GIRL SHOW ~~~ 2 GIRL SHOW ~~~ BuStY eBoNy/sExY LaTiNa ~~~ - 18
(Sherman oaks incalls/outcalls)
***SeXy *** SeDUcTiON*** BoMbShELL!!! *** FrEaKY **** FuN*** - 28
(Atlanta, Decatur,Riverdale,Stone Mtn,Forest Park)